Luxury Living - 10ml

Soothing, luminous, delicate, harmonious. Introducing Luxury Living by Scent Better, in a convenient 10ml bottle.

  • With a blend of night-blooming jasmine, amber, cedar and thyme, this uplifting fragrance effortlessly energizes and raises your spirits, while filling any space with a scent that’s as fragrant as it is good for you.

    Bask in the benefits of aromatherapy from body to mind as you breathe in a scent that’s equally as energizing as it is calmative, thanks to the fragrant mix of white tea and thyme. Best of all, you can rest assured that what you’re putting in the air isn’t harmful - this oil blend is as natural as it is invigorating.

    Simply add several drops (or as much as you want) to your favourite Scent Better  diffuser, and allow an intricate blend of jasmine and cedar elevate your mood and set the stage for you to be more productive, more participative, and more engaged with the world around you; who doesn’t want that?!

    Turn any room into your own space - into your own place of refuge. Breathe in and out and give yourself the energy and focus to face whatever life throws at you. Because when you decide to take time for yourself, life rewards you.

  • Why Scent Better?
    Cautious about what you put into the world? Good. So are we. Free of everything but authenticity, we’re committed to our oils being vegan, non-GMO, free from animal testing, and free of additives. Hotelier is no exception. Best of all, no dyes, fillers, or silicones means what you’re getting is exactly what you’re buying - real oil.

    The Fine Print -
    We’re as committed to authenticity as we are to making our customers happy, but that means we need to have some rules in place (with you in mind, of course).

    Due to the unique nature of oils, we cannot accept oils for return or exchange once they’ve been opened. We’re more than happy to provide you with samples, however, before making your purchase. Questions? Concerns? Compliments? Give us a shout at +1.877.347.5239


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Kim Griffin
reminds us of vacation in the medditeranean

the moment the diffuser is switched on the aroma spreads rapidly - highly enjoyable - will definately buy this prod again

Eliza Fitzgerald
the natural smell convinced me immediately

Cheap oils smell of chemicals, this one is fair priced but has a natural smell

Nadia Cooley
I cannot think of anything negative to say

These essential oils are a dream, high quality, perfect for a quiet evening with a good book

Jaslyn Myers
Both quality and price highly satisfactory

These are the best scents I've ever tried. I've tested thousands. Scent Better is intensive and lasts long. Thank you!